Exeter Blue win the 2023 Cam Cup – March 2023

The 2023 Cam Cup saw 20 teams compete in perfect team racing conditions at Grafham over the first weekend of March. After 80 HLS races were completed on the Saturday, the competitors moved to the fine establishment of Revolutions in Cambridge for the traditional black tie dinner, where a jolly time was had by all.

On Sunday, with the sailors perhaps slightly worse for wear, the event moved into 3 leagues, of 6, 8, and 6 teams. In Gold Fleet, The Rutland Raiders, Exeter Blue, and Cambridge Blue were joined by 3 teams containing OCSS members (RTYC Blue, Cumberland Sausages, and Cindies). Oxford Blue were joined in Silver Fleet by “The Irish Doors” (inc. 2 OCSS members), whilst Oxford Black were in Bronze.

After 58 races, the event moved to the knockout round, with RTYC Blue racing Exeter Blue and The Rutland Raiders racing Silver Surfers Southampton Red. Exeter Blue won out 2-0 in the final, whilst RTYC Blue finished 3rd. Full results will be available for a time on the kSail website.

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