Itchenor SC Retain the Stewart Morris Trophy again – May 2022

The 29th May saw the 2022 Itchenor SC vs. OCSS match sailed in Swallows. This year’s OCSS team consisted of 6 (mostly recent) Cambridge alumni. Coffee was poured alongside a leisurely morning briefing as we all got to know each other, and we took to the water for the first 3 races as the breeze gently filled in. From the first start, it was clear that the Itchenor team’s local and Swallow-specific knowledge would be pitted against the Society team’s desire to team race whenever possible.

Over the course of the morning, it was the Itchenor team who proved the stronger, and with one race agreed null and void, a buffet lunch was eaten ashore whilst tips were exchanged between the teams (mostly it was the younger Society sailors asking the questions).

Now well-fed, sailors swapped boats and headed back out for the afternoon’s races as the breeze slowly dropped to around 5 knots. Whilst these races were closer than the morning’s, the Itchenor team again used their superior boat speed to run home 4-0 overall winners, although it was agreed that the scoreline did not reflect the closeness of the racing and the enjoyment had by all!

Back ashore, the Stewart Morris Trophy was awarded to Itchenor SC over cake and beers and there was just time for a photo on the ISC lawn. The match takes place annually, so please keep an eye out if you want to take part as further details will be circulated in the new year. There are many OCSS members who sail Swallows at Itchenor, and you can find more information about Swallow sailing on their class website if you’re interested.

Itchenor (yellow) lead OCSS (blue) up the second beat
OCSS sailors and their ISC “minder” smile for the camera
All sailors found time for a photo ashore after the Stewart Morris Trophy was awarded to Itchenor SC

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