NBYC win again after COVID hiatus – September 2022

The second weekend in September 2022 saw the NBYC-OCSS match return after its COVID imposed hiatus, with the hosts looking to defend their 2019 title. After arriving for a coffee and briefing, it was decided that there would be a single practice race, followed by a sail-all-5 series in loaned YBODs. Lots were drawn and OCSS were to sail in the odd numbers vs. the NBYC team in even numbers. It was clearly going to be shifty and very gusty across the course, with frequent tourist traffic coming through the racing area, but the sun was out and the boats were rigged when we arrived, so it was an easy morning! 

After a short sail to familiarise ourselves with the boats (none of the NBYC members were sailing their own boats for fairness), the practice race started and was won by the OCSS team in a 1-4-5. The scoring races then began, and the first race was narrowly won by the home team, before they more comfortably won the second. After a pep talk from Greg, OCSS came back to win the third race with some close team racing all around the course. The wind built between the third and fourth races and the start line was moved away from the shore. This was a change to which the home side adapted better and they were able to come off the line in a clear 1-2-3 to win the event, before OCSS were able to bring the scoreline back to a respectable 3-2 with an exciting and effective leeward mark trap in the fifth race.

Ashore, beers and lunch were served (in that order) before the Stewart Morris Trophy was awarded to the NBYC captain. The teams enjoyed chatting with each other before the host sailors went fleet racing and the younger part of the OCSS team ticked off some Norfolk tourist attractions!

Thanks to NBYC for hosting, the race committee, all those who loaned boats, and the sailors for a great day out on the water, we look forward to 2023’s match. If you are interested in taking part in these fixtures on an OCSS team, keep an eye on your emails for more information about next year’s events!

Event Photos (taken by sailors)

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