It is with great regret that we record the death of George Edmond (Caius 1954) in February of this year – in Western Australia where he spent his later life. George sailed on the winning Cambridge team of 1955, captained the winning team in 1956, and was elected a member of the Society in 1957.
We also greatly regret to record the death of Michael Hopkinson (St Edmunds Hall, Oxf 1955) in 2018. Michael was elected a member of the Society in 1958 and organised a good many Society matches against Royal Windermere YC in the 1970s.
Sorry to hear of Mike Hopkinson’s death. I remember several excellent matches held in Solings against Royal Windermere which he arranged. I think they were held until around 1980, and were a good excuse for a couple of days in the Lake District. He was also a regular attender at the Society’s London dinners.