Cambridge Retain Varsity Match 2019 Trophies – July 2019

In a very well run and enjoyable Varsity Match 2019 at Aldeburgh YC 3-5 July 2019 in Loch Longs, Cambridge retained all four Varsity Match trophies. Teams and people who appear in photographs are listed below.
David Robertson, Anna Prescott, Henry Morley, Jemima Lawson, Robbie King, Jamie Webb, Chloe Macaulay, Nina Luckmann, Holly MacAskill, Jules Welham, Karen Thomas. Cat Wallace, Bethan Matthew, Alex Smallwood, Michael Smith, Hugh Tomkins, Alex Baxter, Ollie Jagger, Paris Thomas, James Mehew, Patrick Gifford, Mike Hayles, Patrick Bird

In a very well run and enjoyable Varsity Match 2019 at Aldeburgh YC 3-5 July 2019 in Loch Longs, Cambridge retained all four Varsity Match trophies. They won the first strings match racing 4-0, the second strings match racing 3-1, the Ladies team racing 4-0, and the Mixed team racing 4-0.

Varsity Match 2019 Details

The sunny weather, with a sea breeze breaking through later each day, provided a challenge for PRO Patrick Gifford. But he had the answer and provided excellent racing during all three days. On Wednesday afternoon the match racing very much went the way of Cambridge, with Oxford retrieving some honour by taking one race off the Cambridge second strings. In the team racing on Thursday Cambridge Mixed, 2nd and 7th at BUSA, powered away to a 3-0 lead over Oxford. Cambridge Ladies, reversing the BUSA result, achieved a similar outcome – but the racing was very close in that match.

The deciding races were held on Friday, and Cambridge Mixed scored another textbook victory to win 4-0. In the Ladies series, Oxford struck back and were leading Cambridge until two Oxford boats missed out the starting line on their second round and had to go back. Cambridge gratefully accepted this gift and held a comfortable winning position until the finish to win 4-0 overall.

A big thank you to Aldeburgh YC and its team of helpers and staff – including Mike Hayles, Patrick Gifford, James Meyhew, William Eddes, Robert Malchay, Umpires Bruce and Tom Hebbert, Richard Thompson, and Nigel Vick, and many others, particularly Club members who loaned their boats and who provided accommodation. Also students Dave Robertson and Bethan Matthew for maintaining essential liaison with the Aldeburgh team.

Some History

This year’s outcome brings the number of consecutive Cambridge victories to 7 – the highest ever recorded for either University. Oxford has recorded 5 wins in succession several times and Cambridge has similarly recorded 6. Along to support Cambridge and celebrate this achievement was one of the CUCrC’s most senior alumni – Dick Vernon (Clare 1945). Another very welcome visitor was Patrick Bird, current President of the Society.

Varsity Match 2019 Photographs

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